domingo, 17 de outubro de 2010

What's next?

Linkin Park
Waiting for the end
The present me just ask's what's in life, what am i going to tomorrow, only the future me can answer to that question, but the future me will ask and wonder why did is past him choosed the way that is living now, why am i here, why am i living true this path and why is life so tough. Life isn´t tough, says the experienced ones. Life is hard and difficult because of ourselves, where are the ones who turn the life hard. I want to start everithing all over again every single day, strugling against my all my fears and defects. All I want is to forget all the errors I have made, most of the times to my self and hurting my loved ones in the way. I can´t even count the moments that I regret with the fingers of my hands, the moments that just missed because I couldn´t just focus in them thinkink in stuff that makes no sense, stuff that the present me just discard and in consequence harm´s the future me. The me that will live the path that I wrote and I'am writing as I speek with the choices that the past me made, and this is the stuff that the future me can avoid and this are the mistakes that he can correct. Future me, you are our chance to correct our path, just fight for him, like I'am doing right now. I count on you.

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